Lifestyle photographer| Clovis|Gratitude
I wanted to do a small post just to thank everyone for the support. If you booked a session with me or trusted me to capture your wedding this pasted year a million thanks. Even if you just signed up to my email list or followed one of my social media platforms your support matters to me. I remember reading somewhere that often people who support you by giving you their time by leaving a comment or following your journey is just or more important and valuable than the people who just pay for your services. I truly feel special when I receive messages from clients telling me that they are excited to be working with me. They mention following me for a while and finally being able to book a session it truly warms my heart. I think that’s why I’m constantly doing giveaways. It really feels amazing when I know I’m giving back to the community that supports me everyday.
Also I want to give thanks to the photography community that has taught me about community over competition. I know so many photographers who have gave me leads or even helped me with business questions. It’s the understanding that there is enough clients for everyone. Also knowing that no one takes business from you. You ideal clients will always be there for you. I know I’m always cheering on the sidelines for other photographers. It’s almost a sense of accomplishment for the industry if one of us is killing it that means there’s room for me to do the same and that’s pretty awesome.
Of course I want to mention my family and close friends for being there for me on this crazy journey. Often when you decide to start a business you don’t receive a lot of support specially from the people you know. Which is actually ironic and kind of sad. It’s true what they say you’ll receive more support from strangers than your own family and friends. So for the ones that did believe in me encouraged me when the road got bumpy thank you.
Chasing what you love isn’t easy but it’s completely worth it. It’s a purpose. I tell myself I don’t want to be 80 years old wishing I chased a dream regardless if it failed at least I would have experienced it. Today I’m in the moment soaking it all in. All the uncertainty and fear won’t matter one day.