Lifestyle photographer| Clovis|What a family session looks like during the pandemic

What a family session looks like during the pandemic 

I don't think I have to mention that this past a year and a half has been super crazy and unpredictable for all of us. adjusting to the current world means I have to make some changes on the way I photographed my clients so I wanted to give a short description of what my family photo sessions look like during the crim pandemic.

No face to face pre shoot consultation 

pre COVID days I like to schedule face to face pre shoot consultation where I gather all the details and break the ice and get to know my client and there needs a little better before our session date currently I'm unable to do this as I am limiting my exposure two people unless necessary so I like to give my clients the option of zoom caused instead I think currently a lot of us are familiar with zoom since we had to switch our lives over to the Internet. I'd like to offer this option to still get the familiar feel of how things used to be before and get to know my clients little bit more before our session.


Symptoms check 

I will ask my clients if they've been in contact with anyone who has tested positive and the last 14 days or is experiencing any symptoms a week before our session date I believe it is important to be transparent with each other to keep ourselves safe this goes for myself as well if for whatever reason I am experiencing any symptoms I will postpone my sessions till I get tested. with that being said I do get tested every two weeks to ensure I am healthy auntie care of the people I work with.

Space of availability 

since the pandemic has started I only bought two families a day this means I have less availability in my schedule the reason why I chose to do this is to let me my exposure two people a day I believe this is the easiest way to space out my clients and make sure I'm not seeing too many people at once.



sanitation is huge I'm sure everyone is super obsessed with it more than ever so I take the time to sanitize all my equipment and Carrie sanitizer at all times when I'm out working with clients I also make sure to always wear a face mask and recommend my clients wear one as well and for around a lot of people as we're walking to our location where our session will take place. I also asked that the client take the proportions sanitation prior to the session.


I appreciate all the clients who continue to support my business by booking sessions with me and allowing me to capture some beautiful memories for them This is why I tank precautions very seriously and try to avoid as many opportunities unless necessary just like many of us I am super excited for things to go back to normal and be able to see more families and capture memories for many more clients I wish everyone health and if you have any questions regarding any other procedures I might take during the pandemic please reach out to me.


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